Our mission is to enhance the intellectual development of students in the Philippines by augmenting the learning they receive from the educational system. We aim to accomplish this by providing the most comprehensive and highest quality tutorials and review services, maintaining competent and progressive teaching and support staff, continually updating our books and materials, and providing a quality and effective online learning environment.
We aspire to become a center of educational excellence and a resource for sectors of our society deprived of opportunities for advanced learning. We desire to see the students we help achieve their educational goals – from the simplest one of passing their school quizzes to developing their character and critical thinking skills – so that they may become successful members of society and contribute to the development of the country.
In the early 1980s, a group of faculty members from the University of the Philippines and the Ateneo de Manila University got together to provide tutorial services in their spare time to children of faculty and staff of the two universities. As more and more students from these and other schools availed of their services, some of these educators opted to undertake tutoring full-time. One of them established, in 1986, a tutorial and review facility at a strategic location on Katipunan Avenue. This became known as the Solomon’s Ark Computer & Tutorial Services Center. After 5 years, its name was changed to the Loyola Student Center. From a handful of students that year, LSC’s clientele has increased considerably. Over the past 36 years, LSC has helped over 34,000 students perform better in school. Today LSC takes leadership in providing high-quality and affordable tutorial and review services to students in Metro Manila and the provinces.
Working Principle
LSC was organized out of the founder’s desire to share the knowledge he had obtained as a working student and as a university instructor. Every member of the LSC staff and every student who enters its doors is reminded of the value of hard work with this passage from the Holy Bible.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord and not for men.”
Colossians 3:23
This is the principle that guides all activities carried on at LSC.
Outreach Programs
LSC has served as the implementing partner of the Rotary Club of Loyola Heights in granting college entrance test review scholarships to selected fourth-year students from poor families desiring to enter the top universities in Metro Manila. Several of these review scholars have not only made it to the universities of their choice but have even qualified for the scholarships offered by those schools. For more than a decade the Ford Foundation, through Ateneo’s Pathways to Higher Education Program, has chosen LSC to be its official college entrance test review center for the 120 scholars that it selects yearly from depressed communities in Metro Manila. LSC has also extended its review programs to other students in need of financial assistance.