FREE College Entrance Test Reviewer

Loyola Student Center helps you prepare for your college entrance exams. We believe that although there are no definite measures to ensure success in any college admission test, good preparation always guarantees better results.

CET Reviewer in Math


This Math test includes 20 questions. You have 30 minutes to answer the questions in this Math test.

All entrance exams are time-bound. Practice answering items within the allotted time.

Math - College Entrance Test Reviewer

In all college entrance tests, your mathematical ability will be tested. Most of the time, the Math portion covers a broad range of topics. It is suggested that you assess yourself and identify the topics your have difficulty with. Try answering this college entrance test reviewer quiz that covers some topics included in most college entrance tests.

1 / 20

If x = 3 and y = -2, what is the numerical value of (x - y)(x² + xy + y²)?

2 / 20

What is the simplified form of 5x - {2y + [3x - (7y - 6x)]}?

3 / 20

Which of the following equations has a positive slope?

4 / 20

Rose made two investments totaling P25,000. On one investment she made a 12% profit, but on the other she took an 18% loss. If her net loss was P1,200, how much was the investment that gained a 12% profit?

5 / 20

The area of a square is (9x² + 30x + 25) square units. What is its perimeter?

6 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a possible universal set for {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ...}?

7 / 20

What is the equation of the circle with center (2,-4) and diameter 12?

8 / 20

Jeric is twice as old as Dan. Three years ago, the sum of their ages was 12. How old will Dan be in 5 years?

9 / 20

What is the solution set of Ι5 - xΙ - 10 = 0?

10 / 20

What is the equation of the line passing  through the points (2,1) and (1,0)?

11 / 20

What is the additive inverse of the multiplicative inverse of -4 + 2[3(-1 - 1) + 4]?

12 / 20

One number is 9 less than another number. What are the two numbers if three-halves the larger number exceeds the smaller number by three?

13 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a set?

14 / 20

A typist can finish 12 pages in 8 minutes. How many minutes will it take him to finish 9 pages?

15 / 20

It takes Mark 5 hours and Joan 10 hours to paint a house. How many minutes will it take them to do the job if they work together?

16 / 20

The ratio of freshmen to sophomores to juniors to senior of a certain high school is 5 : 5 : 4 : 2. Which of the following CANNOT be the total number of students?

17 / 20

How much water must be added to 100 ml of denatured alcohol 90% pure to dilute into 75% alcohol content?

18 / 20

A bell rings every 3 minutes. A second bell rings every 4 minutes and a third bell rings every 6 minutes. If the bells ring simultaneously at 8:10 A.M., what is the earliest time that this event will occur again?

19 / 20

What is the solution set of 3(x + 2) = -5 + 3x?

20 / 20

What is the solution set of x² = 4x?

Your score is

The average score is 27%


CET Reviewer in Science

Free Online College Entrance Test Reviewer

This Science test includes 40 questions. You are given 40 minutes to answer this test.

All entrance exams are time-bound. Make sure to answer all questions during the allotted time.

Science - College Entrance Test Reviewer

Your scientific ability will also be tested in any college entrance test. Almost all items that came out in entrance exams are discussed in high school. Try to recall the topics and list down areas you need to work on.

1 / 40

When you look into a swimming pool, the bottom appears nearer because of __________.

2 / 40

A key hangs by a string on the roof of an elevator. What happens to the tension on the string when the elevator goes up?

3 / 40

Compartmentalization in structure and function develops when some cells are able to live in other cells, eventually becoming a single cell. This process of cells living in other cells is called __________.

4 / 40

A bouncing ball finally comes to rest. Which of the following describes its energy transformation?

5 / 40

When a scuba diver goes deeper into the sea, he experiences ___________.

6 / 40

Both sides of a nuclear equation have equal __________.

7 / 40

Among humans, the conclusive evidence of sex is the __________.

8 / 40

A catalyst may be defined as a substance that __________.

9 / 40

Which of the following rocks formed from previously existing rocks?

10 / 40

Ancient Egyptians believed that mice were produced from the Nile River since mice were always seen after the river floods. This is an example of the __________.

11 / 40

A neutral atom, after losing an electron, is changed __________.

12 / 40

A given substance is an acid if its solution in water __________.

13 / 40

How do roots absorb water?

14 / 40

Viruses are NOT considered as living things because viruses __________.

15 / 40

A Ferrari weighs 20,000 N on Earth. A moon buggy weighs 20,000 N on the moon. Which has more mass?

16 / 40

Which of the following has only one type of element?

17 / 40

What makes water expand as it freezes?

18 / 40

If a cell with an internal environment of 8.5% NACl is placed in a 3% NACl solution, what will happen to it?

19 / 40

In what medium do sound waves travel fastest?

20 / 40

Which of the following orbitals has a dumbbell-shaped region?

21 / 40

The following are true according to the cell theory EXCEPT __________.

22 / 40

The occurrence of numerous volcanoes in the Philippines can be attributed to our location along the _________.

23 / 40

A radiation particle consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons is called a/an __________.

24 / 40

Which of the following has the greatest energy?

25 / 40

Viruses are NOT considered as living things because viruses __________.

26 / 40

The weight of an object floating in water is __________.

27 / 40

A colored element X reacted with sodium to form a compound with the formula NaX. Which of the following elements could element X be?

28 / 40

Which organelle is present in large numbers in a cell that secretes hormones?

29 / 40

Given a gas of fixed mass, if the temperature is doubled and the pressure is halved, then the volume is __________.

30 / 40

The brakes are slammed on a speeding truck and it skids to a stop. If the truck was heavily loaded so it had twice the total mass, what would be the skidding distance?

31 / 40

Which of the following is NOT a mineral?

32 / 40

A person travelling west crosses the International Date line of Monday. What will be the next day?

33 / 40

If a portion of DNA has an ATCGGA arrangement, what would be the sequence of its complementary strand after replication?

34 / 40

What is the composition of the lithosphere?

35 / 40

Iron will rust if it is kept __________.

36 / 40

The major protein connective tissues and through fibers that serve to bind tissue together is called __________.

37 / 40

Why is the mitochondrion called the “powerhouse” of the cell?

38 / 40

Sound and light travel as waves. In a vacuum, __________.

39 / 40

A cell undergoing mitosis is said to be of animal origin if it has __________.

40 / 40

The process of spreading out spontaneously to occupy space uniformly is known as __________.

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The average score is 44%


CET Reviewer in English


This English test includes 20 questions. You will be given 20 minutes to answer this test.

All entrance exams are time-bound. Make sure to answer all questions during the allotted time.

College Entrance Test Reviewer in English

Your English literacy skills will also be tested in an entrance exam. The essential topics included are the following: Basic Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics; Verbal and Logical reasoning Skills; Writing Skills; and Reading Comprehension Skills. This test covers some of these topics. After taking the test, identify the areas where you need to familiarize more.

1 / 20

Which word has the opposite meaning as the bold-faced word?

his pompous manner

2 / 20

As the peso continues to be _____, the urban poor find it more difficult to live decent lives.

3 / 20

This problem after all can only be ______ through the third-world governments' ______.

4 / 20

Identify the sentence that DOES NOT contain any error in grammar, usage, mechanics, or diction.

5 / 20

The quarreling couple decided that it was time they sat down and tackled the bull by its horns.

6 / 20

Identify the error in the sentence below.

Everyone should submit their essays by next week.

7 / 20


The group was working on a limb as several members left just yesterday.

8 / 20


poet : poem :: minstrel : ______

9 / 20


democratic : president :: absolute monarchy : ______

10 / 20

Which word has the same meaning as the bold-faced word?

use  difficult words parsimoniously

11 / 20

The judges were amazed by the contestant's ______ and unanimously declared her the winner of the impromptu speech contest.

12 / 20


There used to be a time when I anxiously awaited the arrival of my report card.

13 / 20

Which word has the same meaning as the bold-faced word?

cannot fathom the consequences

14 / 20

Which word has the opposite meaning as the bold-faced word?

his ineluctable fate

15 / 20


ecosystem : pond :: _____ : _____

16 / 20


I feared their disapproval, especially my father's, whose stern face was enough to scare me to death.

17 / 20

Identify the sentence that DOES NOT contain any error in grammar, usage, mechanics, or diction.

18 / 20

Identify the error in the sentence below.

I really like watching horror movies. Especially the part where ghosts appear.

19 / 20

We are considered industrious, ______ foreigners often remark on how hardworking we are.

20 / 20

Despite the depressing situation ______ our country, there are still shafts of light to which we can cling for hope.

Your score is

The average score is 48%


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    • General Science
    • Physics
    • Biology
    • Chemistry
    • English
    • Filipino
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MathPhp 600
EnglishPhp 600
FilipinoPhp 250
General SciencePhp 300
BiologyPhp 300
ChemistryPhp 300
PhysicsPhp 300
CETR (Questions covering all topics in all subjects)Php 600
Solutions Manual to CETR (with detailed explanations)Php 500
1 Set (consists of all books mentioned above)Php 3,500

Note: Each book order has an additional fee for the delivery courier.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”― Benjamin Franklin