Philippine Science High School Entrance Test Online Reviewer

Philippine Science High School Entrance Test Reviewer

The PSHS National Competitive Examination consists of items designed to measure verbal aptitude, abstract reasoning, quantitative ability, and scientific aptitude. Practice answering test items by taking our free online test reviewer.

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Philippine Science High School Entrance Test Reviewer in Math

This is a math reviewer for students who wish to take the Philippine Science High School Aptitude Test.

1 / 10

Mira, Jess, and Perla have 344 paper flowers. Mira has thrice as many paper flowers as Jess. Perla has 4 times as many paper flowers as Jess. How many paper flowers does Jess have?

2 / 10

How many distinct prime factors does 36 have?

3 / 10

How many squares can be seen in the given figure?

Philippine Science High School Entrance Test Reviewer

4 / 10

What is the circumference of a circle which has a radius of length 5 units?

5 / 10

What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle?

6 / 10

If 40% of a number is 10, what is 2/5 of the number?

7 / 10

It takes 12 men and 12 days to build a house. How many days will it take 24 men to build a house?

8 / 10

12/25 is equal to which of the following percentages?

9 / 10

In a group of 48 people, there are 32 adults and the rest are children. What is the ratio of the number of children to the number of adults to the total number of people in the group?

10 / 10

If Sam is x years old now, which of the following BEST expresses his age 3 years ago?

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The average score is 59%


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Philippine Science High School Reviewer in English

This is an English reviewer for students who wish to take the Philippine Science High School Aptitude Test.

1 / 10

The secretary was praised for her dexterity.

2 / 10

Her computer is obsolete.

3 / 10

She was reluctant to show him her stamp collection.

4 / 10

The irrigation system depleted the water supply.

5 / 10

Parents must instill proper values in their children.

6 / 10

The cat ______ dead on the pavement.

7 / 10

You have to pay your bills now; ______, you will be fined if you pay after the due date.

8 / 10

He is ______ from taking the final examinations.

9 / 10

My opinion is ______ yours.

10 / 10

We are all ______ to see the baby.

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The average score is 63%


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Philippine Science High School Reviewer in Science

This science reviewer covers several topics which might help you prepare for the Philippine Science High School Entrance Test.

1 / 10

In an ecosystem, which of the following is NOT considered an abiotic factor?

2 / 10

Which of the following is NOT a use of simple machine?

3 / 10

In order to build body tissue, a person needs a lot of ______.

4 / 10

In some areas, salt is obtained from seawater by letting seawater flow into wide, shallow ponds after which are then closed of from the sea. later, as each pod dries, salt is scraped up. What are the processes involved in getting solid salt from seawater?

5 / 10

Which of the following is most likely to happen if you inflate a balloon and put it in the refrigerator?

6 / 10

When doing research using scientific method, what would you do after making careful observations and recording facts?

7 / 10

When pollen is carried from the stamen to the stigma of the same plant, the process is called ______.

8 / 10

One property of metals is their ability to be drawn into thin wires. This property is called ductility. Which of these metals is most ductile?

9 / 10

Which of the following does NOT exhibit chemical change?

10 / 10

Which energy transformation happens when you turn on a light bulb?

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The average score is 56%


Science High School Review

Intensive review in Math, Science, and English

  • Practice Tests
  • Simulated Exams
  • Test-taking Strategies
  • Refresher sessions before the actual high school entrance exams

For more information on our Science High School Entrance Test Review, contact us.